Each country has its own vaccination calendars and rules, different for adults and children. Timely vaccinations are important to protect you and your family members, ensure access to school for your children, and sometimes even access to work for yourself. We understand how difficult it is to be in a foreign country, especially when seeking access to healthcare services. IOM will try to help you getting access to these services, as our organization helps migrants all over the world. Please, use a country selector to get the information on accessing vaccination services for yourself or your child. You can also use our webchat if you have any further questions.


General information.

All individuals currently residing in Poland are eligible to receive medical services, including vaccinations. The “Patient.gov.pl” contains all the needed

information (in Ukrainian) for the Ukrainian refugees to receive healthcare services (including vaccination services in Poland). The website also contains vaccination prequalification questionnaires (available in both Ukrainian and Russian).
You will need to show your vaccination records to a doctor. The detailed information on which records prove the vaccination status and how to obtain them can be found here. COVID-19 certificates are also available in Diia app.
It is better to have a PESEL number in Poland (most of the Ukrainian refugees already made it). PESEL (Polish: Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności, Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population) is the national identification number in Poland. The detailed instructions on PESEL can be found here. In the absence of PESEL number, an individual can also show only a passport.


COVID-19 vaccinations.

COVID-19 vaccinations are provided for free for all people and children aged 6 months and older. No health insurance is needed. It is preferable if an individual have a document permitting temporary or permanent residence. You can get COVID-19 vaccination through the electronic referral from a general practitioner (please, refer to the closest primary healthcare institution). You can also get a referral through the hotline: 989 (from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.); or send SMS with the text “SzczepimySie” on 664908556 and select a vaccination point through this link.


Vaccinations for your child.

All Ukrainians under the age of 19 who have arrived to Poland must be vaccinated according to the Polish immunization calendar (details are available here and here).
However, for this you need to have PESEL, and refer to Naradowy Fundusz Zdorowia (NFZ) medical facilities. NFZ hotline is available in Ukrainian: 800190590.


Vaccinations for adults, “Uniting for Ukraine” and other US resettlement programs.

Citizens of Ukraine have the right to receive free preventive vaccinations, according to the Polish Program of preventive vaccinations.

In Poland, the vaccination calendar is updated every year. Prevention covers 14 infectious diseases; vaccinations against them are mandatory. Among other things, vaccination against rotaviruses and pneumococci is included in the calendar, while in Ukraine these vaccinations are recommended but not mandatory. The Polish vaccination calendar can be found here. Ukrainians who are applying for the Uniting for Ukraine program will need to confirm prior vaccination against measles, polio, and COVID-19. If not previously vaccinated, individuals will need to receive a first dose of required vaccines prior to obtaining authorization to travel to the United States.